We had a very successful Honey Show at Kelso High School in November. There were lots of entries, many from new beekeepers and indeed it was a new beekeeper, Edward Withers, who swept the board with both trophies, the Howell Trophy for Novice Beekeepers AND the Borders Beekeepers Trophy for most points overall. His winning honey cake was delicious and has prompted an idea for next year to publish the recipe for a new baking class where we all use the same recipe and the best cake wins! The school beekeepers put on a blind honey tasting event which was great fun. It included some unusual honeys such as Chestnut and Honeydew. Thanks to Norman Jarvis for distributing a number of honey frame display cases, we had a record number of entries in that class. We all learn so much from having open judging, so Ray, next year, remember not to screw down the lid of your display case and glue the frame in as the judge needs to be able to lift it out to have a good inspection! Huge thanks to our chairman John Wilkinson for all his hard work, Ray Baxter for arranging the School’s honey tasting, and a massive thank you to Enid Brown for judging.