Members of the BBA are able to advertise Beekeeping items for sale on this page. To advertise you must be a current member of the association, but as these pages are public you may receive enquiries from outside the association. To advertise please contact our secretary here with itemised details and price.
We are unable to provide guidance on pricing of individual items with the exception Nucleus colonies which have an association fixed price of £180 for the 5-frame Colony and all frames, consisting of a marked, young, laying queen, at least 2 frames each of brood and stores and be well-filled with bees. All frames should be fully drawn. Nucleus colonies which meet this criteria will be advertised at the top of the list below, while others may be advertised by individuals that do not meet this criteria and are a matter between the purchaser and seller to agree pricing.
NOTE - all transactions are solely between the buyer and seller and not the responsibility or liability of the association in any way. The association has not inspected or validated any equipment being offered for sale. Only equipment that is associated with beekeeping will be accepted for advertisement, and will exclude any food products.