Yellow legged hornet (Asian hornet)

Beekeepers have been keeping a careful eye on the Asian hornet situation in Europe  and more recently incursions into the south of England. The only sightings in Scotland so far have been ‘hitch hikers’. No one is certain as to whether the climate in Scotland will be too cold for the hornet to survive here, but with increasing temperatures with global warming, that might only be a temporary respite. If the hornet gets established in Scotland, its impact could be even greater than varroa in the 1990s.

The British beekeepers association has been very active developing plans to deal with the hornets. More recently the Scottish Government has published its action plan which can be found on the website

Asian hornet Scotland action plan

At the southern end of the country we need to be vigilant in the borders.

Our first winter meeting of next season will feature the Asian hornet and will focus on developing plans for us here in the borders. The meeting will be held in Smailholm Village hall on Wednesday 11th September at 7.30 lead by John Wilkinson.

The association has purchased some of the traps and other devices which are currently being sold to beekeepers in the UK. The list of this equipment can be found below. The intention is to use this equipment at meetings for members to familiarise themselves with it, and also to use it at the two public events we attend to raise awareness among the general public. We are also obtaining a supply of leaflets from the National bee unit which members may wish to use in their local communities. The association has also purchased some books which will be available for members to borrow.

Here is a useful leaflet about the hornet

List of Asian hornet equipment owned by the association

Asian Hornet in Acrylic, Single Asian Hornet Trap with 5 lures Gard'Apis x2

The Asian Hornet Handbook Thornet Trap

Asian Hornet Muzzle, for National Hive - al hive stands Asian Hornet Stop It - MAX

Asian Hornet Monitoring Trap

TapTrap Yelow Wasp Trap

Asian Hornet Trackers Guide

Flight or Fight

Asian Hornet Identification Label -Small x 105

Asian Hornet Trap Label - Standard Layout

Asian Hornet DI and Granulation Label -Large Rectangular ×10

Many associations in England have appointed a member to be responsible for coordinating action in the association against the hornet. We decided at our last committee meeting to do the same thing, so we are looking for a volunteer to take on the role of Asian hornet coordinator. Initially this is to act as a contact point in the association, and someone who will  take time to think about what else needs to be done as the situation unfolds. If you are interested in taking on this role, please get in touch with our secretary.

There is also an app available for smartphone to help identification and reporting of the hornet.