1. The name of the Association will be the “Borders Beekeepers Association”

2. The objects of the Association shall be:

1. a) To enjoin and encourage all interested in apiculture and to provide educational facilities through the promotion of training, lectures, discussions, practical demonstrations and exhibitions of honey and beekeeping appliances.

2. b) To help conserve the natural environment by promoting the importance of bees as pollinators and by encouraging the planting of bee friendly plants and flowers.

3. c) To conserve the future of bees in the Scottish Borders.

3. Membership of the Association will be open to any person regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, faith or political or personal beliefs.

4. Membership of the Association shall consist of those who desire to promote the objects of the Association, who have forwarded their relevant details, and who have paid the annual subscription in accordance with clause 12 of this constitution.

5. The Association shall have an Executive Committee consisting of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Member for education and a number of general support members. At a meeting of the Executive Committee four shall form a quorum. Sub- committees may be set up, for special items, by the Committee. The Committee may co-opt other members

6. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held within three months of the end of the financial year, normally January. Ten percent of the membership shall form a quorum. At least twenty eight days formal notice of the Meeting shall be given by email or letter and on the Association website.

1. At this Meeting the following business will be transacted:-

▪ adoption of the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and of any Special General Meeting held since.

▪ presentation of the Chair’s Report.

▪ presentation of the Treasurer’s Report.

▪ presentation of the Secretary’s Report.

▪ presentation of the Membership Secretary’s Report

▪ Presentation of the education report

▪ election of members to the offices of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Education and of general Committee Members.

▪ fixing of minimum annual subscription.

▪ business of any proposed Motion which has been received by the Secretary in writing at least twenty one days before the date of the Annual General Meeting (Motions or questions submitted after the twenty one day limit will be referred to the next committee meeting)

▪ any other competent business.

7. The election of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer and Education member shall be for the term of one year. The Chair and Vice Chair shall not hold office for more than three years in succession.

Members of the Committee shall be elected annually, and be eligible for re-election.

8. Each Candidate for election must be nominated by one member and seconded by another. Nominations may be communicated in writing to the Secretary or they may be made at the Annual General Meeting. If the number of Candidates proposed is the same as the number of vacancies the Candidate(s) shall be declared to be duly elected. If the number of Candidates is in the excess of the number of vacancies a ballot of the Members present at the Annual General Meeting shall be made. In this ballot each member shall be entitled to a number of votes corresponding to the number of vacancies but shall only be allowed to record one vote for any Candidate.

9.Chair’s voting rights: - In the event of a tied vote at any meeting the Chair shall have a second or casting vote.

10.The Association shall maintain a bank account and the authorised cheque co- signatories shall be the Treasurer and one other nominated Member.

11. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Association may be convened at any time by the Committee and shall be convened within twenty eight days of receipt of a requisition signed by any seven members. At least twenty eight days notice of the Meeting shall be given to all members by advertisement, email or letter. The requisition submitted and notice of the Meeting shall clearly state the purpose for which the Meeting is to be convened.

12. The financial year shall end on 31st December. Annual subscriptions for the ensuing year will be due at the Annual General Meeting in January. New members joining after 31st August may be enrolled for the remainder of the year and the following year for a single annual subscription. Any member failing to pay his or her subscription by 31st March may, at the discretion of the Committee, be declared no longer a member, and henceforth be excluded from the privileges of membership, until the membership subscription is renewed.

13. Members may be nominated for Honorary Life Membership, at the Annual General Meeting, for services rendered to the Association. Such Honorary members shall be entitled to all the privileges extended to ordinary members.

14. An amendment of this Constitution can only be made by a two-thirds majority of those voting either at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose.

15. The Committee may make or amend such rules as are deemed necessary for the efficient administration of any scheme of insurance adopted by the Association, or any other project which may be undertaken.

In the event of the resignation of any officer or member of the Committee or to fill a vacancy on the committee, the Committee may co-opt a member to fill the position until the date of the next Annual General Meeting.

16. The Borders Beekeepers Association will affiliate to The Scottish Beekeepers Association and accepts the Constitution and Rules of the Scottish Beekeepers Association.

17. The Association may be dissolved by at least two-thirds majority of members present casting their votes at an AGM or EGM for which the relevant period of notice had been given stating the terms of the proposal to dissolve.

18. Any assets remaining after the settlement of all debts and liabilities shall be given to such other recognised organisation or organisations that have objects similar to those of the Association as the management committee may determine.