Bee Equipment for member loan
Vaporizer kit (consisting of Varrox Vaporizer, Timer, Car Battery, Tub oxalic acid, Foam strip, Box of face masks, Bag gloves, protection glasses, Gaffer tape, Battery charger, Instruction card for vaporizer and timer)
1 Container Bee Suits (3 med full suits, 2 large smocks, 1 small full suit, Small gloves)
West Extractor, knife, uncapping tray, white bucket, double strainer
East Extractor, knife, uncapping tray, white bucket, double strainer
New extractor
Comb Cutter
Wooden honeycomb hand press
Honey mixing paddle
Compound microscope
Dissecting microscope
Microscope camera
Microscope box of tricks
Procedure for borrowing
Contact Charlotte Encombe (07799053330) to find out where the equipment is and to arrange picking it up.
PLEASE make sure the equipment is returned or handed on CLEAN. Be courteous to the other members and check beforehand. Thank you.
If you lend out or borrow something directly from another member PLEASE be sure to let Charlotte know. It’s important to keep tabs on equipment whereabouts especially as our area is so widespread.