The committee of the BBA

Our enthusiastic committee now meets monthly on-line per year events and training. In the summer we normally organise apiary visits at members apiaries, we have a stand at the Berwickshire Show in Duns and usually run a Beginners Beekeeping Course which starts in February. We also organise a programme of winter meetings which now mainly take place at Smailholm Village Hall. In 2020 we started having all our winter meetings on line, which have been very successful. We still hold some of our winter meetings on line, especially in the depth of winter. On line meetings also allow us to make use of speakers at a distance. If you feel you would like to help out on the committee please contact our secretary here.

Chair - Alison Ramcharron

Vice chair and website - John Wilkinson

Secretary - Fiona Hawke

Treasurer - vacant

Membership Secretary - Sarah Barnard

Education - Kate Atchley

Equipment Loan - Charlotte Encombe

Committee Members - Justin Lanyon Olver, Ian Sinclair, Graeme Bairden, Louise Rawlins

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