A brief update in the bleak days of February during a pandemic..
Hope you are all keeping well and safe.
We held a committee meeting a couple of weeks ago, but not a lot to discuss at the present time. We are hoping that as lockdowns gradually ease we may be able to think about starting to return to some degree of normality during the coming year. We still need a treasurer, so if you feel like giving it a go, please contact me. Associations don’t run themselves I’m afraid, so please help out if you can.
Pollens harvested by bees April to September - 10th February at 7.30pm
There is another talk next Wednesday given by Kate Atchley on Pollen collected by bees April to September. Our on line talks have all gone very well and if you haven’t joined in, I would urge you to do so. I think we will probably continue some on line talks in the future after the pandemic. Sitting at home with a glass of wine listening to a talk has its advantages, and also we are able to engage speakers from further afield without the additional hassle of having to travel and stay over etc.
Changes to Fondant and Syrup Purchase and Collection
We are still providing members with the opportunity to buy discounted fondant and syrup. We have centralised our store of fondant and syrup at Wendy Frost’s house in Lanton as Caroline is now working from home so is not able to oversee collection from Swinton Mill. We realise Lanton isn’t very accessible to those who live over towards the coast, but this arrangement will only continue as long as the pandemic continues and we will make sure there is a collection point on the eastern side of the district in future.
Payment should still be made by contacting Craig Fenton who has kindly agreed to continue to manage this having stood down as treasurer. You can contact Craig here. Could anyone who has taken fondant and not yet paid, please do so as a matter of urgency.
Future meeting - Questions and Answers - March 10th 7.30pm
We have also arranged a meeting in March which again will be online. This is a panel discussion and question and answer session. The panel members will be Norman Jarvis, Kate Atchley and Matthew Richardson. Please have plenty of questions ready or if you are able email me in advance. The topic is ‘Preparing for the season’ but I guess the panel will be very happy to discuss anything beekeeping related.