The committee held its monthly on line meeting last week. we are looking forward to getting back to some semblance of normality as the country gradually re-opens after the pandemic.
Our first autumn meeting is to be held on Tuesday 7th September starting at 7pm and will be ON-LINE
This will be an on line meeting given by Professor David Evans, professor of virology at St Andrew’s University who writes prolifically about beekeeping subjects and also publishes a fortnightly tweet as the apiarist. David has asked to start the meeting at 7pm as he says there is a lot of material to cover. The subject ‘Preparing for Winter’ is something that should interest us all so I hope that as many members as possible will attend and be ready with lots of questions. The link for the meeting is here
The meeting will be recorded and will be made available to members after the meeting.
We are planning to hold the first face to face meeting of the association for some time, in October, but we are still struggling to find a venue which will be big enough to allow plenty of space for social distancing.
We are once again planning a Honey Show for the association which will be held on Sunday 7th November from 1pm to 4pm. The details will be announced later, but the plan is for exhibitors to display their entries from 1-2pm with an open judging from 2 onwards. The venue is still to be decided as we are not able at present to book school venues. Schedules and notes for previous years can be found under the events section/honey show on our website.
We decided that we would run the beginner’s course again this year, but with some modifications. We have already had strong interest. We are planning to hold at least two courses, one starting in October/November and one in January 2021. We plan to limit the course numbers to 12 and to hold both face to face and on-line sessions. We very much hope that those who have helped out in the past will be willing to help out again this time. We are also looking for more people willing to be tutors on the course, which gives us the possibility or running more courses if there is the demand. As an incentive to participate and in recognition of the time commitment, the committee has agreed that tutors on the course will be paid an honorarium of £50 per session. If you are interested in being involved please contact John here. Ideally you will have the SBA Basic Certificate or if not some equivalent experience and have kept bees for a several years.
We will be publishing details of the course(s) shortly on the association website.
We have fondant and syrup available for members but please note it is for collection only from Lanton. If you require either, please contact Wendy here who will agree a suitable time for collection. Payment must be made in advance by bank transfer to the association account - Wendy will give you details. The cost of fondant remains £20 but a price increase of syrup means we now need to charge £19 for a container of syrup.